Ad of the Week.

Each week we feature the most beautiful or interesting job advert right here and tell you a bit more about the charity behind it.

Regional Fundraising Manger

Wales Air Ambulance Charity


circa £29k

Home Working and required to work from Hub/Office/Airbase.

Regional Fundraising Manger

 About Wales Air Ambulance
Wales Air Ambulance delivers advanced lifesaving medical care to people across Wales, 24/7. We are the only air ambulance charity, based in, and dedicated to, the people of Wales and rely entirely on your charitable donations to raise £11.2 million every year to keep the helicopters in the air and rapid response vehicles on the road.

We are a proud employer of over 100 passionate employees who undertake a range of functions, all of which support our lifesaving work across Wales. We are equally proud of our volunteers who selflessly give us the gift of their time to help us in our work.

We are driven by our Values, which sit at the...

How is Fundraising Jobs different?

All ads are created ‘equally’ to enable charities of any size to have the same reach, for the same money, to the same Fundraisers.

We all know a picture can speak a thousand words and Fundraising Jobs lets them. Charities can choose an image that best showcases their work and will inspire candidates more than a traditional, boring advert would (yawn).

We also fund opportunities for users to help us develop exciting initiatives to benefit the sector. Read more about this on our Community page.

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